Potato Aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae)
Potato Aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae)
Black bean aphid (Aphis fabae)
Black bean aphid (Aphis fabae)
Willow - Angelica Aphid (Cavariella archangelicae)
Willow - Angelica Aphid (Cavariella archangelicae)
Common sycamore aphid (Drepanosiphum platanoidis)
Common sycamore aphid (Drepanosiphum platanoidis)
Sycamore Aphid (Drepanosiphum platanoidis)
Sycamore Aphid (Drepanosiphum platanoidis)
Common Sycamore Aphid
Common Sycamore Aphid
Jumping Plant Lice (Chamaepsylla hartigii)
Jumping Plant Lice (Chamaepsylla hartigii)
Jumping Plant Lice (Chamaepsylla hartigii)
Jumping Plant Lice (Chamaepsylla hartigii)
Jumping Plant Lice (Chamaepsylla hartigii)
Jumping Plant Lice (Chamaepsylla hartigii)
Giant Willow Aphid (Tuberolachnus Salignus)
Giant Willow Aphid (Tuberolachnus Salignus)
Unknown Aphid (Aphididae)
Unknown Aphid (Aphididae)
Woolly Beech Aphid (Phyllaphis fagi)
Woolly Beech Aphid (Phyllaphis fagi)
Unknown Aphid (Aphididae)
Unknown Aphid (Aphididae)
Jumping Plant Lice (Cacopsylla sorbi)
Jumping Plant Lice (Cacopsylla sorbi)
Jumping Plant Lice Nymph (Cacopsylla sorbi)
Jumping Plant Lice Nymph (Cacopsylla sorbi)
Jumping Plant Lice (Cacopsylla sorbi)
Jumping Plant Lice (Cacopsylla sorbi)
Jumping Plant Lice (Cacopsylla crateagi)
Jumping Plant Lice (Cacopsylla crateagi)
Aphid Nymph (Macrosiphum Rosae)
Aphid Nymph (Macrosiphum Rosae)
Sycamore Periphyllus Aphid (Periphyllus Acericola)
Sycamore Periphyllus Aphid (Periphyllus Acericola)
Giant Willow Aphid (Tuberolachnus Salignus)
Giant Willow Aphid (Tuberolachnus Salignus)
Jumping Plant Lice (Trioza urticae)
Jumping Plant Lice (Trioza urticae)
Wood Ant protecting group of small willow aphids (Aphis farinosa)
Wood Ant protecting group of small willow aphids (Aphis farinosa)
Rose Aphid (Macrosiphum Rosae)
Rose Aphid (Macrosiphum Rosae)
Rose Aphid (Macrosiphum Rosae)
Rose Aphid (Macrosiphum Rosae)
Unknown Aphid (Aphididae)
Unknown Aphid (Aphididae)
Aphid (Macrosiphum)
Aphid (Macrosiphum)
Rose Aphid (Macrosiphum Rosae)
Rose Aphid (Macrosiphum Rosae)
Rose Aphid (Macrosiphum Rosae)
Rose Aphid (Macrosiphum Rosae)

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